Do you remember what first got you into making & crafting? Like many kids, I’d done the odd art & craft project here & there but it wasn’t anything serious. Unlike some of my more creative friends I didn’t have a childhood epiphany where I just knew I wanted to work with crafts (One of my good friends knew she would be good at dancing and that she wanted to be a dancer when she 1st saw ballerinas warm up!!!) However, I do remember a very specific piece of jewelry that made me realise that handmade jewelry can look well, quite nice 🙂
Back when I was young, I lived and went to the same school as my cousin (that’s MGS if any of you are from Singapore 🙂 ) Every year, we’d have a funfair to fundraise where students ran game booths, baked cookies to sell.. It was fun!!! When I was 8, we came home with a pair of silver earrings bought from 1 of our seniors – I don’t remember who bought it- but I think we got into a few fights over it 🙂 Looking back, it wasn’t anything special- some silver jump rings and a few black beads- but to us, it was the height of sophistication. 🙂 Ever since then, I’ve had a soft spot for silver dangling earrings, so here’s another silver shoulder duster DIY for you 🙂
What you need
2 silver curtain pulls (What can you make with curtain pulls, you say? Here are 2 other quick and easy DIYs from curtain pulls: necklace pendant and Chinois bookmark)
2 silver beads with a large hole in the middle (bore)
2 jump rings
1 pair of earring hooks
Step 1
Use pliers to open the jump ring and slide the earring hook through. Repeat with the other ring & hook.
Step 2
Slide the silver bead onto the string at the end of the silver tassel followed by the jump ring (and attached earring hook) then slide the string back into the silver bead. Pull the string down tightly and apply glue to hold the silver bead in place. Snip off any thread that is sticking out.
Repeat with what’s left.
Leave to dry and your earrings are done!
What do you think? Is this a pair of earrings you’d be happy to wear? If not, and if you like tassels, here is a link to other tassel DIYS 🙂